The Linguasphere Register

of the world’s languages and speech communities

The linguascale

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Geosector 0= AFRICA

Phylosector 1= AFRO-ASIAN

Geosector 2= AUSTRALASIA

Phylosector 3= AUSTRONESIAN

Geosector 4= EURASIA

Phylosector 5= INDO-EUROPEAN

Geosector 6= NORTH-AMERICA

Phylosector 7= SINO-INDIAN

Geosector 8= SOUTH-AMERICA

Phylosector 9= TRANSAFRICAN

Geosector 8= SOUTH-AMERICA



Covers the "Northeast Brazil" reference area, composed of sets not covered by any phylozone.

Comprising 11 sets of languages (= 14 outer languages) spoken or formerly spoken by communities in northeastern South America, in an area of Brazil centered on Bahia.

The indigenous languages of this reference area have now been almost totally submerged and replaced by [51] Português. Dates of extinction (assumed to be in 20th cent., but may be earlier) need to be confirmed.

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